
Monday, October 31, 2011

Marriage Mondays - Divorce is not an option

I was saddened today to read that Kim Kardashian is filing for divorce from her husband Kris Humphries after only 72 days of marriage.

Do you remember your wedding vows? It probably went something like this:

I, Kristen, take you Kerry for my lawfully wedded husband.


For better, for worse.
For richer, for poorer.
In sickness and in health.


Until death us do part.

What God hath joined together let no man seperate.

Forever and ever.


Today I'm reflecting on the meaning of my wedding vows and the seriousness with which I undertook them.
After the fairy tale wedding, and the magical honeymoon, there is everyday life.
Ordinary and plain.
With two imperfect people.
There will be many good times and celebrations, but there will also be hard times. And when they come we need to remember what we have committed to and who we have committed to. Not only to each other, but to God.

This post is linked to Marriage Mondays at Come Have a Peace! For more posts about marriage click the button below!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, very sad. Unfortunately, lots of brides are in love with "being in love" and with the wedding event itself, instead of with the commitment of marriage. After 21 years of being married, I can say that there are definitely hard times and sweetest times, but love really does get better the longer you're "in" it! Thanks for sharing on Marriage Mondays today,
