
Monday, October 24, 2011

Marriage Mondays - Be Interested

My husband loves cars. Like loooves. When we first started dating in college, my car knowledge, let alone my interest in them, was pretty minimal. Then I met my husband and in getting to know him it was obvious that this was his "thing." Naturally, in our dating days, I wanted to impress him and so I tried to be interested in the things he was interested in. I listened intently to his stories and tried to learn as much as I could. It was so easy back then. And it was actually fun to learn about something that I had never really had a lot of exposure to and I even came to like it!

But as the years go on in a relationship and then in a marriage, there are times when my husband is discussing the styling of the lamborghini gallardo vs. the Ferrari 458 Italia when I definitely find myself "tuning out."

I recently re-committed myself to praying every day for my husband and in doing so this is one are where God has been convicting me lately. Amazing how when we pray for others, the Holy Spirit first reveals areas where WE need to change!

I realized that even if my husband stops talking to me about cars, he's not going to stop talking about them. He loves them and this is something that he has a passion for! No, he will simply find others to talk to about it. And indeed it is good to have other friends who share your hobbies, but I don't want to be left out of such an important part of his life! I'm happy and thankful that he considers me friend enough to want to share his passions with me!

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm definitely not saying that you should be fake with your husband! But we can listen genuinely, we can give our full attention, we can ask questions and encourage. We can be all there.

Have a blessed Monday!

This post is linked to Marriage Mondays at Come Have a Peace! For more posts on marriage click the button below!

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