
Friday, June 17, 2011

I got sunshine on a cloudy day...

I talk a lot on this blog about the love of my life, my husband. But I thought it was about time to introduce my other love. My little ball of sunshine....My Bonnie.

I coud go on and on about how much this little lovie has changed my life. Brightened it in in a new way. How she makes me smile even on the darkest days.

How God used this sweet creature to teach me more about His love, about self-sacrifice, and patience. But I'll save that for later. For now, I'll just leave you with this....

What a sweet sweet blessing from above!!

Love and Blessings,


Monday, June 13, 2011

Marriage Hot Spots

My husband is a bit of neat nick. He loves having things organized. The funny thing is that he has always been this way even as a little boy! We recently cleaned out some of his old things from his parents home and he had all of these toys and games in the closet in their original boxes with all the pieces!! This was pretty astounding to a girl whose cabbage patch doll's had to have homemade flannel jammies since about 1985 because who knows where their original clothes went!

I would love it if my house was clean and organized 24/7. But sometimes between work and other activites there just don't seem to be enough hours in the day to get everything done! I try to do my best, but there are plenty of times I have had to do the "hide everything in the closet" routine when unexpected company arrives! Yikes! Don't you just hate the feeling of being unprepared! I always vow after this happens to never let it happen again and yet, somehow it does. I am a work in progress! :-)

Over the last 4 1/2 years I have learned what my husbands hot spots are when it comes to housekeeping. These "hot spots" are things that are the most important to him. These are things that I make sure and clean or do even when I am tired.

*I may not have the time or let's face it, the energy to clean the bathroom from top to bottom, but I do make sure that there are always fresh clean towels hanging and that his sink area is clean. (My side of the sink tends to try to creep over to his! haha)

*I may not be able to put a four course meal on the table every night, but as long as there is sweet tea in the fridge he forgives me!

*I may not make the bed every day, (He is usually still in it when I leave for work. ;-) but I do make sure that the sheets regularly changed and fresh.

*Another "hot spot" for my husband is turning off the lights. I am terrible to leave the lights on in a room after I leave. Bad habit, I know! This drives my husband crazy, so I am trying hard to break this habit!

These are just a few of my husband's "hot spots." Learning to pay attention to the things he values the most (and the things that annoy him the most! ha) definitley help to keep our day to day running smooth!

Does your husband have "Hot spots" like mine?

Love and Blessings!


I am linking up with Marriage Mondays over at Come Have a Peace! For more posts on marriage click the button below:

Monday, June 6, 2011

Marriage Mondays - Try Again

About 2 years ago, my eyes were first opened to God's plan for marriage and biblical womanhood. I remember feeling so happy, so at peace so LIBERATED! Liberated because for the first time in my marriage, my mind and actions weren't in constant competition to the longing of my heart and spirit. Finally free of the chains this world tries so hard to put on women (in the name of liberation, no less), and I'm telling you friend from the bottom of my heart, I have never felt so free.

Even more encouraging, I was noticing my husband's positive reaction to the new me which only solidified even more in my heart that I was on the path of God's purpose in my marriage! I was on a roll, baby!

I rolled along pretty good for a couple of weeks I think, when it happened. My little Irish temper, or perhaps more accurately, my little human sin nature got the better of me and out slipped some of the most sarcastic, disrespectful words to ever roll off a tongue. I have to tell you I was flat out surprised.

After a little time of silence, (I'm sure you know the kind where you both go to your seperate corners just steaming mad) I finally swallowed my pride enough to apologize to my husband for my behavior. More importantly, I asked God's forgiveness and asked Him to help me to do better. I realized that this marriage stuff, like most things in life, is a process. It would be great if we could flip a switch and never be disrespectful ever again or never sin again, but we're human and unfortunately it just doesn't work that way.

But belonging to Christ means that we get up, dust ourselves off and try again. Because He loves us more than we will probably ever fully understand in this life.

There are going to be hard days, your husband is going to do things that annoy you, maybe sometimes he will do things that seem unloving and you may feel like giving up. Don't do it. Try again.  I promise you it is so worth it.

Today I am linking up with Marriage Mondays over at Come Have a Peace! If you'd like to read more posts about marriage click on the button below!

Love and Blessings!
