
Monday, April 18, 2011

Simple Acts of Love - Table for two

When I was growing up, my family ate dinner at the table together. Every. single. night. No exceptions.  My Mom would fix dinner and my little sister and I would have to set the table every evening. I can remember fighting with her over who had to fix the drinks and who got to set out the plates and silverware! haha For some reason we never wanted to fix the drinks? I have no idea why! haha I come from a fairly large family of six and though, I'm sure I never appreciated it at the time, this evening ritual was such an important time for our family. We may have been scattered throughout the day, especially as we got older, but at dinnertime, I knew everyone would be there. We would pause, reflect on the day and just talk.

Now that I have a husband and a home of my own, this is a tradition that we have embraced as our own. It may be just the two of us for now, but I feel this time is just as important for two as it is for a large family! Putting in a little extra effort at dinnertime can make a big difference in our day!
Every evening I try to:

  • Prepare a home cooked meal (But even if it's just a simple sandwhich night, I still do all the other things!)
  • Set the table with napkins, silverware, and placemats or a tablecloth, It doesn't have to be anything fancy! ( I try really hard to have the table set before my husband walks in the door. Dinner is usually still cooking on the stove, but I like him to come in and see a hint of what awaits!)
  • Say grace together.
Also, I never start eating until my husband is home and eating with me, unless he has called and let me know that he will be very late and asks me to go ahead without him. This is something I remember my mom always doing. Many times, dinner would be ready and my dad would not be in from the barn yet, but even with four hungry children asking her if we could eat yet, my mom always made us wait until my dad came in to eat.

We live in a fast paced society and my husband are apart from each other for at least 9-10 hours during the day for work. Coming together in the evening to share our dinner together is usually the first time we have to really talk all day! I want to make it special. I want it to say, You are the most important person in my life! You are worth setting the table for! You are worth stopping in the midst of the hurry of other things! 

If you and your husband don't have eat dinner at the table together, why not give this simple act of love a try?

Today, I am linking up to Marriage Mondays over at Come Have a Peace!


  1. This is so good. Thanks for sharing it on Marriage Mondays. I sat at the soccer field last night, listening to women talk about how they never eat together, they never cook for their families, and they don't feel like they spend time together. They laughed about it, but I felt sad for them. It may seem like a "routine," but it's so valuable and accomplishes SO much more than dinner. Good for you that you've got that personal experience to know the value of it and that you've decided to re-create that in your own home. I'm so glad you shared it this week.

    ~ Julie

  2. Sharing this on the Come Have a Peace Facebook page this week! :)

  3. Julie - Thank you so much for the encouragement! I so appreciate it!
